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How to Test The Sharpness of a Knife - 6 Methods

How to Test The Sharpness of a Knife

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A sharp knife makes cooking easier. A person who loves cooking uses different knives for various types of cooking. However, if the knives become dull due to long-term use, it is difficult to cut with them. So knives need to be sharpened to keep them sharp and functional.

However, we often need help understanding when to sharpen knives or whether the knives are usable. So, we need to know some methods to test the sharpness of knives. The use of dull knives while cutting can cause accidents. Therefore, knife sharpness testing cannot be neglected. After the knife sharpening test, the knife should be sharpened if necessary. You can use an electric knife sharpener or some readily available tools to sharpen the knife. In this article, we will learn how to test the sharpness of a knife in several ways.

Why We Should Test The Knife Sharpness

Why We Should Test The Knife Sharpness

We should test the sharpness of the knives if we get confused about their efficiency. Some factors emphasize testing the sharpness of the knives. These factors are as follows:


Using a sharp knife requires less pressure when slicing. On the other hand, when cutting with a blunt knife, more pressure is applied, which can cause accidents by slipping off the food while cutting. So, it is safe to test the edge of a knife to avoid accidents.


A sharp knife cuts cooking ingredients easily and quickly. No matter how you cut vegetables, fish, or meat with a dull knife, they are not perfect. A sharp knife is essential for the efficient cutting of cooking ingredients. You should test the sharpness of the knife to see if it can cut effectively or not.

Minimizing Food Damage

When cutting food with a blunt knife, the food is often damaged due to tearing or grinding. It affects the texture, cooking taste, density, or quality of the food.

Knife Maintenance

To understand when a knife needs to be sharpened, you should test the sharpness of the knife. If you want to use the knife for a long time, it must be appropriately maintained. Therefore, you have to sharpen the knives according to your needs.

Cost Efficiency

Knives last longer if sharpened regularly. If you sharpen it properly, you can use the knife for a long time, and you don’t need to buy a new knife. As a result, you don’t need to spend extra money.

6 Ways to Test The Knife Sharpness

6 Ways to Test The Knife Sharpness

You can test the sharpness of a knife in several ways. Here, we have brought six easiest ways for you to test the sharpness of a knife. Let’s have a look:

1. Cutting Paper

This test is a well-known and practical test. Through this test, it is possible to know whether a knife is sharp or not. You will need an A4 size page for this test. Now, hold one edge of the paper with one hand. Then, cut the paper with your knife. If your knife can slice the paper smoothly, the knife is sharp. However, if the knife gets stuck in the paper or tears the paper, you need to sharpen the knife.

2. Cutting a Tomato

An easy way to know if you need to sharpen a knife or not is to cut a tomato. If your knife is sharp, it will cut the tomato smoothly. But cutting the tomato with a dull knife will damage the skin of the tomato. Also, when cutting tomatoes, using a blunt knife requires more pressure. So, if you have to apply too much pressure while cutting the tomato with your knife and the skin of the tomato is damaged or crushed, you should sharpen the knife.

3. Finger or Thumb

You have to do this test very carefully. Gently touch with the tip of your thumb or any finger across the blade of the knife. But don’t apply pressure. If the knife is sharp, you will notice your fingerprints on the edge of the blade.

4. Plastic Pen

You can use a simple plastic pen to check the sharpness of the knife. First, take a plastic pen and place the knife at a 45-degree angle against the pen. Slide it over the plastic. If the knife is sharp, it will cut into the plastic. If the knife slides to the side, it needs to be re-sharpened.

5. Cutting Vegetables or Fruits

This test is similar to the tomato cutting test. You need to cut any vegetables or fruits with your knife. Carrot can be a good choice for this test as it is hard enough. If you can slice the vegetables or fruits smoothly with your knife, your knife is keen. You do not need to sharpen your knife.

6. Visual Inspection

It is easy to find any imperfections and chips in a blade through visual inspection. You need a light source behind you and observe the blade carefully with the naked eye to identify the imperfections and chips in the blade. You can also use a magnifying glass for it.

Tips for Beginners to Sharpen a Knife

Tips for Beginners to Sharpen a Knife

Sharpening a knife is not a difficult task. You just need to keep practicing in a proper way and follow some techniques.

Choose the Right Tools

You should invest in buying a good quality sharpening stone or other sharpening system. An electric sharpener is an easy solution for sharpening your knives. You may also use a whetstone, sharpening rods, ceramic plates, etc. You have to ensure that the grit of the stone is suitable for your knife. Also you can use coarse grit for dull knives. The finer grit is for finishing.

Understanding Knife Anatomy

You should know the parts of your knife, especially the edge. The angled part of the knife is the bevel. You will sharpen this part.

Maintain Consistent Angles

It is necessary to have knowledge about angles. Typically, western-style knives have a bevel angle of around 20 degrees, and Japanese knives have angles of around 15 degrees. You have to hold the knife at a consistent angle relative to the stone.

Follow Proper Technique

One should start with the coarse grit and move towards finer grits. Apply even pressure while sliding the knife across the stone. One should begin from the base and then move to the tip, maintaining the angle. One should use a few strokes on both sides of the blade to get an even sharpening.

Ensure Your Safety

You must be aware of your safety when sharpening your knife. You have to ensure that your fingers are away from the blade. Also you should use a stable surface for sharpening your knives. It is better to use cut-resistant gloves.

Watch Tutorials

You can watch video tutorials on knife sharpening. It will help you understand the process correctly.


Try to sharpen your knives regularly and keep them clean. It will enhance their efficiency and longevity.

So, if you have read this article, you will understand how to test the sharpness of a knife. If your knives need to be sharpened again, you can also follow the above-mentioned tips.